Tungsten Dollar Fishing Sinkers

Tungsten dollar fishing sinkers also known as river fishing sinkers are best for river fishing because they plane up when retrieved and will avoid getting snagged when they are get back, but they do not hold the bottom well.
According to the two factors above, it is obvious that it is not a good idea to tungsten dollar fishing sinkers to be parts of rigs for sturgeon fishing, the reason is that these fish preferable for the fast water but the dollar sinkers are not fit to it. The fast current will constantly pick up and put down the coin sinkers.
For decades, lead is commonly used materials for the tungsten dollar fishing sinkers as it is easily machined. And the obvious advantage for the angler is its considerable weight for a given volume. One cubic foot of lead weighs 710 pounds while cast iron weighs only 470 pounds, copper 547 pounds, and silver 650 pounds. However, with the environment protection topic is becoming more and more serious, needing for environment-friendly material is urgency. Tungsten, with the properties of high density, about 30 percent higher than lead, and kindness to the environment stands out in the various alternatives. As a result, more hobbyists choose tungsten made sinkers when making fishing rig.